Protecting Business Innovation Via Patent
Introduction Patents play a very important role in innovation and...
Patenting In Biotechnology
Introduction Patents can be considered as a crucial aspect for...
Pharmaceutical Patenting in India-Problem of Public Access to Health
Introduction Pharmaceutical sectors refer to the industry, which is involved...
Biotechnology Patents and the Problem of Non-Obviousness
Introduction When biology is used to make new products and...
Protection through “Geographical Indications” and Protection through “Certification trademark”, national and international trends
Introduction to Geographical Indication (GI) I am sure you have...
An Analysis of the Infringement of Trademark by Comparative Advertising
Comparative Advertisement Advertisement is one of the most effective ways...
Copyrightability of Sound Recordings – Analysis of 2012 Amendment
The Copyright Amendment Act, 2012 brought in a phenomenal change...
How Bharat’s 6G Vision Could Boost India’s Digital Economy
Introduction The fast adoption of mobile and fixed broadband services...